Marxism Exposed

Published: July 10, 2020, 3 p.m.

Be warned.  Marxism is a murderous, totalitarian dance with the Devil.  Seriously.  Many Christians are completely unaware of its anti-Christian philosophical foundation and have unwittingly thrown their support behind ideas radically opposed to Jesus Christ.  

This is a dangerous time in America, indeed.  More dangerous than that, though, is for Christians to accept ideas uncritically.  We are to "test everything" and to love the Lord our God with all our minds.  That said, to really want justice in America is to want righteousness because there can't be the latter without the former.  And there can be no righteousness without the gospel.  Marxism is a false gospel that says man's problem isn't sin but inequality - whether that be by income or race.  Its answer to inequality isn't the gospel but revolution in order to bring about a true state of communism on earth.  Thus, Marxism is utopian.  The problem is, when mankind tries to make heaven on earth without Christ, he makes hell, not paradise.  

In this podcast we expose the lie of Marxist philosophy, how it's a false religion in our midst, ensnaring many.