Let's Talk About Hell & Judgment

Published: Oct. 21, 2020, 6 p.m.

There's no more unpopular subject in the world than those of sin, judgment and hell.  Non-believers hate any reference to hell and this sometimes makes Christians reluctant to talk about it.  It's of critical importance, however, to understand what the Bible says about these subjects or else we run the risk of talking about a Jesus Christ and God of our own imaginations.  

In this podcast we run through the Biblical worldview of these subjects.  First, Jesus talked about hell...a lot.  He came to die for sinners because the punishment for sin, for the cosmic rebellion against the holy God, is death.  There's literally no way to speak of Jesus without speaking of sin or else we empty the cross of its meaning.  Second, to say that God loves the sinner but hates the sin in relation to the argument that there's no hell, is wildly unbiblical.  God throws the sinner in hell, not the sin.  This might make us uncomfortable but that's irrelevant because we aren't God.  

In all, the people who say there's no hell or judgment are worshipping a false god of their own imagination.  The loving thing to do, truly, is to tell people the truth about their condition (sin) and tell them about God's wonderful provision in Christ for them through repentance and faith.