Be A Man...of God!

Published: Dec. 14, 2022, 5 a.m.

There's a crisis in the church.  Men don't know what it means to be men.  The world has become bitterly divided.  On one side, the woke left decries the so-called patriarchy.  They hate God and, consequently, men.  In response to this, some have taken to assuming that manliness means growing impressive amounts of facial hair, getting a big truck, some tattoos, and bulking up.  Nothing wrong with those things but they're all mere outward adornments and not the real thing.  

The real thing is Jesus Christ.  He's the Alpha Male!  Our goal - the goal of of real men - is faithfulness to Him.  That's it!  In this episode discover what it is to be a real man...a man of God, so that you don't fall for one of the irrational extremes presented by the world.