WuBro 270 - Lost Episode

Published: Nov. 11, 2019, 11 a.m.

b"This episode was recorded two months ago with Stephanie & Nery and was thought to be lost. But like the great Indiana Jones, we have unearthed it for your listening pleasure. However it's been so long we don't remember what was talked about. So come and enjoy this mystery along with us. Also, we Have\\xa0MERCH MERCH MERCH!! Go to Amazon and search for GeekBro or just click\\xa0HERE!\\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0\\xa0\\nWuBro is now on\\xa0INSTAGRAM!\\nThe podcast now has\\xa0DONATE\\xa0button and an\\xa0AMAZON banner\\xa0that you can click on to support the show.\\xa0CLICK HERE\\nBe sure to follow\\xa0WUBRO\\xa0on\\xa0Twitter:\\xa0@WUBROpod\\n\\nWUBRO\\xa0is on\\xa0Facebook:\\xa0Facebook.com/WUBROpod\\nWUBRO is on INSTAGRAM:\\xa0Instagram.com/WuBroPod"