WuBro 242 - Ninja III: the Domination - Mystery WuBro Theater

Published: Oct. 30, 2018, 11:01 a.m.

b"Nery and fellow GeekBro favorite, Missy, do a Mystery WuBro Theater episode as they watch the cult-classic 1984 film, Ninja III: The Domination. It is Missy's first time ever watching this and they provide hilarious commentary to it. NOTE: PLEASE SEE the movie before (or along with the podcast) before listening to this episode! We have\\xa0MERCH MERCH MERCH!! Go to Amazon and search for GeekBro or just click\\xa0HERE! \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0\\nWuBro is now on\\xa0INSTAGRAM!\\nThe podcast now has\\xa0DONATE\\xa0button and an\\xa0AMAZON banner\\xa0that you can click on to support the show.\\xa0CLICK HERE\\nBe sure to follow\\xa0WUBRO\\xa0on\\xa0Twitter:\\xa0@WUBROpod\\n\\nWUBRO\\xa0is on\\xa0Facebook:\\xa0Facebook.com/WUBROpod\\nWUBRO is on INSTAGRAM:\\xa0Instagram.com/WuBroPod\\n\\nWHAT'S UP, BRO\\xa0is:\\xa0@NerySaenz\\xa0/\\xa0@NotThatSteph\\xa0\\nEmail us your thooughts and suggestions to WuBroPOD@gmail.com"