WuBro 205 - Top 10 Movies of 2016 pt 1 (1-5)

Published: Jan. 23, 2017, 11 a.m.

b'It\'s time for the "WuBro TOP 10 movies of the year" (2016 edition)! This is part 1 of a 2 part special. Listen to a couple of guests from the Mt. Geekmore podcast join Raul & Nery and talk about their favorite movies of 2016. It\'s quite funny. \\xa0We have\\xa0MERCH MERCH MERCH!! Go to Amazon and search for GeekBro or just click\\xa0HERE! \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0\\nWuBro is now on\\xa0INSTAGRAM!\\nThe podcast now has\\xa0DONATE\\xa0button and an\\xa0AMAZON banner\\xa0that you can click on to support the show.\\xa0CLICK HERE\\nWatch Avengers: Age of Ulton\\xa0on iTunes by clicking HERE.\\xa0\\nBe sure to follow\\xa0WUBRO\\xa0on\\xa0Twitter:\\xa0@WUBROpod\\n\\nWUBRO\\xa0is on\\xa0Facebook:\\xa0Facebook.com/WUBROpod\\nWUBRO is on INSTAGRAM:\\xa0Instagram.com/WuBroPod\\n\\nWHAT\'S UP, BRO\\xa0is:\\xa0@NerySaenz\\xa0/\\xa0@NotThatSteph\\xa0\\nEmail us your thooughts and suggestions to\\xa0WuBroPOD@gmail.com'