WUBRO 182 Late, Like Her Period

Published: March 28, 2016, 6:55 a.m.

b"Xander and Steph are recording out on the road from Key West, FL.We discuss some WUBRO NEWS and Xander discusses new podcasts that will soon be joining the WUBRO family.Steph takes us through a list of strange dating websites that ACTUALLY exist.Xander theorizes about WHITE PEOPLE who live in the Florida Keys have just decided to give up on giving a shit and turn into THE LAZIEST HISPANIC stereotypes.Don't forget to shop from our podcast sponsors on wubropod.comDonate, Share, Like and other things that justifies having long conversations about bullshit. \\xa0WuBro is now on\\xa0INSTAGRAM\\xa0@wubropod\\xa0!The podcast now has\\xa0DONATE\\xa0button and an\\xa0AMAZON banner\\xa0that you can click on to support the show.\\xa0CLICK HEREBe sure to follow\\xa0WUBRO\\xa0on\\xa0Twitter:\\xa0@WUBROpod\\n\\nWUBRO\\xa0is on\\xa0Facebook:\\xa0Facebook.com/WUBROpod\\nWUBRO is on INSTAGRAM:\\xa0Instagram.com/WuBroPod\\nWHAT'S UP, BRO\\xa0is:\\xa0@NerySaenz\\xa0/\\xa0@XanderRey\\xa0/\\xa0@NotThatSteph"