A Discussion about Decentralized Exchanges with Alex Wearn, Co-Founder and CEO of IDEX

Published: June 17, 2019, 9:28 a.m.

Sign up for our newsletter at https://Evolvement.io. Evolvement is a podcast hosted by Nye that revolves around Bitcoin, cryptocurrency, blockchain technology, and how these play a role in the current financial models and economic systems of the world. In this episode, I sit down with Alex, the Co-Founder and CEO of IDEX. We discuss the important role DEX’s play in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. We talk a little bit about why IDEX was created and what makes it different from other DEX’s. We also discuss how IDEX is a hybrid DEX and what that means. Take a listen if you want to learn more about how DEX’s are playing a role in our crypto and blockchain ecosystem! Learn more about IDEX at https://idex.market/. Thank you to Alex for his time. Thank you to our sponsors CasperLabs! and And thank you to all our listeners! You guys help make this possible.