Easter: Living With God

Published: April 12, 2020, 3:23 p.m.

“Living with God”
John 14:1-3, 6

1)  How does the idea of living with God strike you?  Do you find it appealing or not?  Why or why not?  

2)  Have you ever given much thought to Christ’s ascension into heaven?  How do you think his ascension relates to you?  What did it accomplish?  Why was it necessary? How does it relate to his death and resurrection?   

3)  How do think of the Holy Spirit?  How nebulous is he in your thinking?  What is his role in you life and the life of the church?  How would you describe his overarching role?

4)  Discuss the idea of “union with Christ.”  What is it?  If Christ is in the Father’s house in heaven and you are joined to him by faith, what does that mean?  How does this truth affect your prayer life?