EP 153 When Holiday Season Becomes A Trap & Why New Year’s Resolutions Are Stupid

Published: Dec. 15, 2021, 2 p.m.

When Holiday Season Becomes A Trap & Why New Year’s Resolutions Are Stupid

If you’re not careful (read “full of care”) about your holiday habits the holiday season can become a big trap leading to a big hole that you have to dig out of when the holiday “party like it’s 1999” phase is over.

Then come the New Year’s resolutions that you feel really good about cuz this is the year that you’re really going to do it! Right? Well, maybe - if you’re in the 20% group who go the distance. Within six weeks 80% of those who made lofty “gonna make a change” commitments have completely abandoned them. It’s just one of the reasons I think making New Year’s resolutions is stupid, because it’s stupid to keep doing things that don’t work. Insanity anyone?

Becoming a happier, healthier, goal achieving version of yourself isn’t going to just happen by wrapping up the current year the same way you always have and kicking off the new year declaring the same resolutions you did the last few years. You need more than declarations & willpower to make the next best year of your life a reality.

It’s why I believe “PreSolutions” are far more effective and realistic than resolutions. I fill you in with the deets on this week’s podcast. Cheers!

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