Ep. 138: The Power of Your Dreams & Nightmares

Published: Aug. 25, 2021, 1 p.m.

Most of us aspire to chase our dreams. Nearly all of us run from our nightmares. But few of us realize those scenes that play out while we’re fast asleep can serve as a true compass for our lives.

Bestselling author & certified clinical hypnotherapist, Kelly Sullivan Walden dove into a world far beyond her subconscious during a near-death experience. Ever since, she’s made it her mission to help us realize the power of our dreams.

What goes on in our sleepy heads is somewhat coded, so we tend to discount it because we don’t understand the messages. Kelly can help us make sense of some common dreams & determine their unique meaning for different people.

Nightmares are the unsung heroes of our unconscious mind. We don’t want to experience them, but they get our attention so that we’ll take action. Having the same one over & over means we haven’t made the necessary adjustment yet.

There is scientific proof that paying attention to our dreams makes us more intuitive navigators of our waking life. Your mind is already wired to make this shift. Kelly is sharing what we must do to make it happen!

Kelly’s latest work of heart is ‘Luminous Humanness,’ a meditation guidebook to inspire you to live the light of your most glorious self every day. Get it on Amazon & listen to ‘Ask Doctor Dream’ on Unity FM radio.

To schedule a private coaching session with me visit LoreeBischoff.com. My book ‘Common Sense Happiness’ is available on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2GIQOPF & you can get The Foodprint Plan here: https://bit.ly/2ORE8dP. Subscribe on YouTube for the latest videos: https://bit.ly/3lasF3e.