Ep. 130: Reverse Autoimmune Disease & Stop Suffering

Published: May 12, 2021, 1 p.m.

Board certified M.D. & bestselling author, Dr. Brooke Goldner was diagnosed with Lupus as a teenager. After years of suffering she developed a nutrition-based treatment that reversed her symptoms, & has since also worked for many of her patients.

Lupus is part of a not-so-friendly family of autoimmune diseases, which also includes Psoriasis, Hashimotos, & Rheumatoid Arthritis. Our immune system was designed to protect us. But for those with autoimmune disease the system gets confused & attacks their organs.

It is possible to have a genetic predisposition to autoimmune disease & not experience symptoms…until the worst possible time. Dr. Goldner says pregnancy, trauma, depression, anxiety, mourning, poor diet, high stress, & lack of sleep can trigger an undiagnosed condition.

If you or someone you know is suffering from chronic illness, inflammation, or other symptoms, this may be the health shift you’re looking for. When disease isn’t responding to medications it’s easy to lose hope & those suffering can’t envision life without disease.

Dr. Goldner sees happy patients healing faster. Her combination of traditional & alternative treatments is what’s missing from Western medicine.

Visit GoodbyeLupus.com to begin healing with Dr. Goldner. Her books are available on Amazon & you can follow her on Instagram @GoodbyeLupus.

To schedule a private coaching session with Loree visit LoreeBischoff.com. Her book ‘Common Sense Happiness’ is available on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2GIQOPF & you can get The Foodprint Plan here: https://bit.ly/2ORE8dP. Subscribe on YouTube for the latest videos: https://bit.ly/3lasF3e.