Ep. 125: Give Yourself a Timeout from Stressing Out

Published: April 7, 2021, 1 p.m.

Stress is like poison to our bodies, causing fatigue, anxiety, & illness, which just lead to more stress! How do we put this exhausting cycle to rest for good?

Unity Radio host & author Dr. Dravon James has some reasonable remedies to help manage stress. First, you must understand that it’s your brain’s way of protecting who it cares about most—you!

Fear is at the root of stress. Acknowledge that & kindly ask yourself why, what’s scaring me? Then take a timeout!

What was a punishment when you were a kid is a useful emotional health tool as an adult. The child in us wants our attention. So be as loving & kind with yourself as you would a 5-year-old.

Take the time to explore what’s triggering you. You will likely realize that it begins with your internal thoughts that then manifest externally. It might be ‘all in your head.’

Listen to ‘Everyday Peace,’ hosted by Dr. Dravon James, Mondays on Unity Radio & visit DrDravonJames.com for more.

To schedule a private coaching session with Loree visit LoreeBischoff.com. Her book ‘Common Sense Happiness’ is available on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2GIQOPF & you can get The Foodprint Plan here: https://bit.ly/2ORE8dP. Subscribe on YouTube for the latest videos: https://bit.ly/3lasF3e.