Ep. 121: Wake the F*** Up!

Published: March 10, 2021, 2 p.m.

There is no victimization in this life. If you’re experiencing something, whether you wanted it or not, you manifested it.

That’s the hard truth, from psychic therapist & spiritual teacher Vincent Genna. He’s earned the credibility to tell it like it is, with 36 years experience & degrees in psychology & social work.

Vincent wants to help us get out of our own way. But we must first be willing to discover what we truly believe about ourselves.

Acknowledging that we didn’t get the partner or job we wanted because we don’t truly believe we deserve it requires courage, but is the only way to heal from those disappointments.

Vincent explains the important difference between suppression, repression, & resistance, plus how to shift past those habits. Your power is always there. Belief opens the door!

Visit VincentGenna.com to schedule a session or download his guided meditations & follow Vincent on Twitter @VGBelieve & Instagram @Vincent_Genna_MSW.

To schedule a private coaching session with Loree visit LoreeBischoff.com & subscribe on YouTube: https://bit.ly/3lasF3e. Her book ‘Common Sense Happiness’ is available on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2GIQOPF.