Start Hitting Your Goals

Published: June 30, 2021, 1:28 p.m.

4 simple steps to start hitting your goals today  You either aren’t setting goals at all or   You are setting goals without a plan or Hitting your goals. Go you- if you fall into this category. It’s that simple. Most people I find fall into category 1 or 2. You are doing 1 and 2 to avoid feeling any negative emotions that come from not hitting your goals. The truth is whether you acknowledge them or not, you have goals.   You either speak them out loud or they live in your head.  Humans are driven by goals; it's how we move forward in life. You have two options: 1️⃣ Start to acknowledge them and be more intentional and have a fighting chance at accomplishing them 2️⃣ Ignore them and never give yourself the full opportunity to feel how awesome it is to accomplish them (this is what seems like the safe and easier method - in truth, it isn’t?) The truth is either way you are going to feel negative emotions. It’s part of being a human being. If you're going to feel negative emotions, you might as well give yourself a real chance at hitting your goals and creating an incredible life. Today’s episode, I am going to break down my 4 simple steps on how to set and hit your goals. Listen here to start directing the story of your life. To learn more about working with Rachel click here. Download your FREE 21 visibility challenge guide to start creating clients today! Click here.