Meditation 101

Published: April 28, 2021, 2 p.m.

Read this one thing today and I promise you won’t regret it.

You are constantly struggling with staying focused and feel like your mind is on the never ending treadmill. The idea of sitting down and being still sounds dreadful.

You know you need something to ground you. You are tired of feeling overwhelmed and exhausted.  By 12 pm you are ready for a nap and the day isn’t even half over.

I used to feel this way too!

In 2010, my first yoga teacher training, part of our homework was to start meditating 20 minutes 2x a day.

I  thought this is insane, you clearly don’t know me at all. There’s no way I can do this.  I can hardly sit with my thoughts for 2 minutes.

I am always up for a challenge and I had paid a lot of money to do the training. I wanted to do it “right”.

I totally failed.  I think I lasted maybe a week.

Years later I came back to it.  I was totally stressed out running two yoga studio’s teaching a dozen classes a week, managing the mom life, and unhappy in my marriage.

I was desperate, so I gave it a second try.

The practice has 100% changed my life.

I can tell you all the amazing benefits of meditation, but just google meditation and read them there. In today’s podcast I’m going to share with you my journey and how to get started the simple way.

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