Creating Your Fail Plan

Published: Oct. 13, 2020, 12:30 p.m.

Do you have a fail plan? You know a plan of what you will say to yourself if you mess up. Or are you just letting your default brain serve up some thoughts??? If you're letting your default brain serve up thoughts, likely it’s just choosing thoughts to keep you comfortable. Comfortable thoughts aren’t likely going to get you closer to your goal.  Because often they sound something like this: Fuck I did it again.  It was inevitable that I would fail. The only reason this thought is comfortable is because you have said it so many times to yourself. Likely it’s not serving you. You’re going to need a thought like, “I’m a human and I slipped up, and it’s okay I’m learning.” Notice how different the two thoughts feel in your body. Listen in to learn more. Download Rachel's Free Quickstart Guide to Stop Emotional Eating. Click Here. Set up a FREE mini session to learn more about working with Rachel.  Click Here.