Pass On Ultimatum - Get Video Into Your Search Results

Published: Oct. 2, 2013, 8:55 p.m.

Real Drag and Drop Layout BuilderUltimatum Theme Sounds Confusing

I am doing something different today. Usually I talk about tools I like, today I'm telling you about a tool that everyone I know says they didn't like. It's called Ultimatum. I really liked it when I first saw it. I went over and used their demo, and was amazed at all the functions. I was also amazed at the lack of documentation. I sent an email, but received no reply. I asked a few people and the same response came, "It looks cool, but I could never get it to do what I wanted." I did find a course at Udemy that has a section on using the theme. Their website stats they have documentation, but with that much versatility in the theme - there could be a large learning curve.

Video Seo by Yoast

Video SEO by YoastWhy do you want video on your site? It’s really simple: video results rank more easily and have a far higher click-through-rate from search results because they stand out in the search results. We’ve been using it here at Yoast for over a year now and the results have been amazing with keywords for several terms jumping from page 5 to position 2 just because we added a video. Now of course, we can’t give any guarantees, but we know it’s worked for us, it should work for you too! If you are using the Wordpress SEO plugin from Yoast (free) this plugin makes sure you videos show up in the search engine results.