I Chat With Mike Paul About Education, Elections and Nomadic Wealth

Published: Nov. 13, 2020, 5:26 p.m.

We're out of the studio today as Jason is teaching on day one of his two-day Copy Clinic seminar. So today's episode is an interview he did yesterday for The Mike Paulcast. Most of the interviews Jason has done recently have been a lot of the same thing, covering his background and personal story, how he got into business, what his business philosophy is, etc. If you've been listening to this show for any length of time, you've heard all of that multiple times. However, this conversation was different. Mike's a great interviewer, and they covered a bunch of different topics, including Jason's view on education and college, where he's currently investing most of his savings, and how he structures his day to maximize his productivity. Listen now and enjoy! We'll be back in studio on Monday. Have a great weekend, guys! This episode is brought to you by our sponsors: Plexaderm Honey