552: Jeff Sessions and the Hypocrisy of Politics in America

Published: March 2, 2017, 8:23 p.m.

I can't believe this has become a story. Not only is it a story it's a HUGE story. It's stupid is what it is. You can't help but be floored with the audacity of crooked politicians pretending to be outraged about another potentially crooked politician. They're all pure as the wind driven snow when they smell blood in the water. But is there any truth to the Sessions story? Did he lie under oath? Should he resign? You're not going to find any honest answers to these questions in the mainstream media because none of them are interested in getting to the truth. Today I'll walk you through the Sessions controversy and give you an honest assessment of the situation. ***From there we move to the Republican's plan for the replacement of Obamacare (or lack of a plan). It turns out they finally have something down on paper, but if you wanted to read it for yourself, or find out any details, you're out of luck. Like the left, Republicans are hiding the proposed legislation from the public. Congress has the chance to go into a closed room and read the bill, but they cannot get a copy of it. If this causes flashbacks to the TPP and Obamacare, it should. It's the same underhanded tactics progressives used to push their trash through the house.If you think there's a difference substantive difference in principle between Republicans and Democrats, I'm going to test you today. The more we expose these men and women for what they are the better off we'll all be. It's not about party it's about principle, and right now there are but a handful in Washington who have any. JasonSupport the show.