Mobile Loyalty Audit 2013

Published: April 19, 2013, 11:51 a.m.

Series 2: Episode 3 - Mobile Loyalty Audit 2013So the apostles, have been postulating over the 'Apostle Model' and stressing over the 'Stress Tests', to discuss the outcomes of the WDS Mobile Loyalty Audit for 2013; its implications for NPS and CSAT; and for operators in today's hype-competitive market. Are you a loyalist, a mercenary, a defector, or a captive? Whatever your level of satisfaction, this can easily be impacted by poor network, security breaches or billing issues, but dive deeper and there are a few more myths to be busted. The assumptions and the judgements present in many reports today often over-estimate loyalty and mistakenly determine the validity of people's sentiment. In a podcast that looks to discover more about the emotional drivers to switching from your operator and why they need to be better understood. We must remind listeners that no harm came to the members of the panel whilst the 'stressing' was taking place. Although Rufus suffered slight bruising. Subscribe via     Spot the Loyalist, the Mercenary, the Defector and the Captive. Tim Deluca-Smith, VP Marketing at WDS, hosts the podcast with guests CCgroup Richard Fogg, Managing Director, Paul Nolan, Associate Director & Head of Telecoms and Rufus Jay, Senior Account Manager. Direct Download Episode to MP3 WDS Loyalty AuditThe WDS Mobile Loyalty Audit cuts through industry churn data, talking to US and UK customers to understand how they really feel about their mobile operator. What’s creating loyalty, and what’s breaking it. Download US infographic, UK infographic or request report.