GIVE like Jesus

Published: Oct. 20, 2013, 10 a.m.

b'I, David Brooks, confess to the following: I am watching Downton Abbey with my wife. I confess this at the risk of loosing my "man card," but I actually do enjoy the show. If you\'re not familiar with it, the show centers around the life of an aristocratic family in turn-of-the-20th-century England. In the show, one family has amassed a host of servants. There\'s more than one servant for every member of the family. Sometimes, as I watch the show, I find myself wishing that I had servants to do the myriad of tasks that must be done around the house -- cooking, cleaning, changing diapers, driving kids around, etc. I think that the Brooks family could use a maid, a cook, a chauffeur and a butler. That would be fantastic. I\'d like someone to do the tasks that no one wants to do. And there-in lies the problem. For each one of us, there are things that make us uncomfortable. There are things we don\'t want to do. So, if possible, we\'d love to relegate those things to someone else. Jesus said, that if we want to follow him we have to become like a servant. We do this, because that\'s what Jesus did. He came to give his life away. That\'s a big thing to ask. Exactly how do we give our lives away like Jesus did? On Sunday, as we continue in Vision Month, we want to explore this question: how do we GIVE like Jesus did? This sermon, more than any I\'ve preached in recent memory, has radically changed my perspective on life.'