CW2 Jim White Part I: Helicopter Pilot in Vietnam

Published: July 6, 2023, 9 a.m.

b'Chief Warrant Officer 2 Jim White began his military career in the Marine Corps as a machine gunner and helicopter pilot in Vietnam. After earning the Distinguished Flying Cross, the first Marine to do so since World War II, he got the opportunity to transfer to the Army. His plan was to transfer, fly with them for a few years, and then transfer back to the Marine Corps as a commissioned officer. He liked the Army so much that he stayed there for the rest of his military career.\\n\\nWhite earned the callsign \\u201cSneaky White\\u201d after fleeing from military police through a minefield to get back on base.\\xa0\\n\\nNext time on Warriors In Their Own Words, White explains why he went to prison, how he raised $350,000 from behind bars, and his connection to Shad Meshad, one of our previous guests.\\xa0\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'