COL Leo Thorsness: A Medal of Honor Recipient and POW

Published: June 29, 2023, 9 a.m.

b'Colonel Leo Thorsness served as a fighter pilot in Vietnam. He was a Wild Weasel, whose missions required them to draw surface-to-air (SAM) missiles away from bombers, and then destroy the SAM sites. This meant that Weasels spent sometimes more than 20 minutes over the target, as opposed to the one or two minutes bomber pilots spent.\\n\\nOn one mission, COL Thorsness\\u2019 wingman was shot down, forcing him to eject. As he parachuted to the ground, rescue helicopters were called in to rescue him, but they were threatened by encroaching enemy fighters. Despite being incredibly low on fuel, Thorsness fought off the enemy, saving his wingman and the rescue helicopters.\\n\\nEleven days later, Thorsness was shot down and captured by the North Vietnamese Army. He was captured, and became a prisoner of war. During his first three years in captivity, torture was common. After six years, he was released and sent home.\\n\\nShortly after returning to the United States, COL Thorsness was awarded the Medal of Honor for saving his wingman.\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'