Col. Darrell Whitcomb: The Raven Pilots in Laos Part I

Published: May 12, 2022, 9 a.m.

b'Col. Darrell Whitcomb served in the United States Air Force as an OV-10 Forward Air Controller. He joined the classified Steve Canyon Program (Project 404), also known as The Ravens, which operated in secret in Laos. He flew missions over South and North Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia.\\n\\nAs a Forward Air Controller, it was his job to coordinate airstrikes, and ensure that no friendly troops were hit.\\xa0\\n\\nIn the first part of his interview, Whitcomb discusses aircrafts, airstrikes, and joining The Raven program.\\xa0\\n\\nWhitcomb is also the author of The Rescue of Bat 21.\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'