Source Material #274 - Star Trek: Picard Countdown (IDW, 2019)

Published: April 20, 2020, 1 p.m.

Detailing the events leading up to the first season of the series, “Countdown” tells a story of Admiral Picard attempting to aid the Romulan Empire evacuate planets in the path of an upcoming supernova. And as always with the Romulans and The Federation, mistrust abounds. Tune in as Mark and Jesse discuss the 3 issues of “Star Trek: Picard Countdown.” Don't forget to also give that Radulich in Broadcasting Network Facebook page a like. You can find us at your convenience on Spreaker, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn Radio, or iTunes! Just search "W2M" to subscribe to the network that Source Material is a part of! If you would like to follow me on twitter, you can do so by finding me @stiznarkey also the show's twitter is @sourcematcast.