Source Material #268 - Locke & Key vol. 1 (IDW, 2008)

Published: Feb. 24, 2020, 2 p.m.

After their father, Rendell, is murdered, Tyler, Nina, and Bode Locke travel with their mother to Rendell Locke’s childhood home, Keyhouse, in Lovecraft, Massachusetts. As the youngest child finds a strange key that opens a magical door at their new home, there is a malevolent presence on the grounds of the Locke estate putting dire plans into action in order to escape their prison at the bottom of a well. Join Alexis Hejna, Robert Winfree, and Jesse Starcher as they talk about this first volume of writer Joe Hill’s comic masterpiece. Don't forget to also give that Radulich in Broadcasting Network Facebook page a like. You can find us at your convenience on Spreaker, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn Radio, or iTunes! Just search "W2M" to subscribe to the network that Source Material is a part of! if you would like to follow me on twitter, you can do so by finding me @stiznarkey also the show's twitter is @sourcematcast. BECOME A PATRON! You can head over to and become a patron! You can donate as little as ONE DOLLAR PER MONTH to get access to EXCLUSIVE CONTENT and other Radulich In Broadcasting episodes not on the normally accessed on the network!