Ep. 045 - The Producers (1967)

Published: March 29, 2021, noon

Mel Brooks has led a full career......full of laughter! HAHAHAHA!!! *loooong sigh* Anyway, the man is a legend, and this week we are breaking into his filmography with his debut feature-length film, The Producers. After coming off the circuit as a young and enthusiastic comedy writer for Sid Caesar, as well as his bouts with Carl Reiner, Mel Brooks steps into the film game, both as a writer, and as a director. Join the fellas - Jason, Paco, Evan and our VERY SPECIAL new co-host moving forward (!!), our good friend and resident cinephile at Cinamecca, Terry - as they discuss the ins and outs of Mel Brooks' debut feature film. It has its faults, but it goes without saying that The Producers is one of cinema's most colorful and audacious projects that has ever seen the light of day within the past 50+ years. Hate what you will. Love what you love. And are actors really people? Have you ever eaten with one? . . Thank you all for listening! Please remember to rate, review and subscribe wherever you’re hearing us. . Many thanks to Matthew Roland Pharris for our artwork. You can find him/follow him and his amazing work on Instagram @pestopasta44 . You can find us/follow us on Twitter @AuteursVulgar, and on Instagram @vulgarauteurspodcast. You are also welcome to email us at vulgarauteurs@gmail.com about anything, and we mean ANYTHING. We have a spam folder, so don’t get too excited. . We love you all! Go hug yourself