Ep. 62: Aisha Amarfio | Your Inner Shaman + How Crystals Talk

Published: April 16, 2019, 1:52 p.m.


Aisha works as a therapist, healer, author and social justice facilitator in London. She practices shamanic healing and energy medicine. Her practices are based on a holistic understanding that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Aisha's work is heart-centred, and influenced by transpersonal psychology models of Carl Jung, Arnold Mindell (processwork), and mystic traditions within Advaita, Sufism, Buddhism and classical shamanism. Aisha is trained in different disciplines that allow us to engage in deeper dimensions of our body and psyche for the purpose of awakening, transformation and moving towards wholeness. She has undergone 5 years of training and initiation in the shamanic healing arts to professional practitioner level. This has recently been complemented by a 1 year training in embodied awareness with Processwork UK. Aisha is Master level in Energy Healing (Usui Reiki lineage) and is trained in crystal healing. She is a qualified Clinical Hypnotherapist and a Master Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) practitioner. Hypnotherapy and NLP are coaching or talking therapies that allow us come in to relaxed states, where we can access unexpressed parts of ourselves, to heal inner conflict, and the cause of patterns that may be holding us back. Aisha is also meditation teacher, and applies mindfulness to connect us with our deep awareness and the compassionate intelligence of the heart which can aid us with the wisdom required to transcend our suffering. Aisha is also a founding associate in the field of Creative Hypnosis, founded by Lisa Morgan, utilising the power of trance for creativity, creative leaps and creative problem solving. Outside of her therapeutic work, Aisha is a co-founder and director of a race equality social enterprise, and still runs social justice projects and offers diversity and inclusion consultancy. Aisha takes inspiration from nature, and she enjoys work that reclaims our relationship with the elements, working in alliance with the balance, spirit and intelligence of the natural world. Aisha works with individuals, groups and businesses to work towards wholeness and raise the vibration of what we create in our lives. Aisha's debut book The Crystal Compass is available on Amazon now.
