Ep. 47: Adamas Incendia | The Ancient Remedy For Awakened Living

Published: Dec. 19, 2018, 1 p.m.


Adamas Incendia studied English and classics at Rhodes university in South Africa and then homoeopathy and naturopathy in Australia which he finished in 2000. He has been practising as a homoeopathic doctor in South Africa ever since while also working with various plant medicines and developing a unique range of alchemical formulations to cater to a more enlightened and discerning audience. Adamas has a profound commitment to the skills required to bring about swift, beautiful and radical healing and he uses all the tools at his disposal including plant medicine, higher Buddhist practises and his own unique methodology and formulation of homoeopathy which he has found to seriously accelerate the healing process. This has all been born from 18 years of clinical experience in the field and a relentless commitment to finding the most elegant swift and powerful means to bring about lasting change. Adamas\\u2019 latest creation Liberation The Remedy is an ancient remedy for the modern age of awakened living and is the culmination and fruition of all his work and experimentation to create a substance simultaneously deep acting, powerful yet gentle. www.liberationtheremedy.com Facebook: Adamas Incendia Facebook Group: Liberation The Remedy Use Sydney\\u2019s code on your first purchase of Liberation for 10% off: HeavenOnEarth
