Silent Night, Deadly Night (1984)

Published: Dec. 23, 2019, 11:49 p.m.

Get ready for a Ho-Ho-Horrible Christmas! Don't let the literal dozens of riled-up PTA members try and convince you that Santa is sacred and shouldn't be fucked with. The Santa in this film already reminds you of that. It's the most wonderful crime of the year! And he's prepared to end your Christmases should he suspect you of being the least bit naughty. His childhood trauma of witnessing a homicidal mall Santa murdering his family will ensure all of the psychological madness needed to inflict his holly jolly hijinks on any of the misbehaving townsfolk. Also add in his crazy, Santa-fearing mentally-fucked grandpa who gives him all the genetic predisposition he needs to make a list, check it twice, and murder any non-believer who gets in his way. This week, it's a bloody Christmas miracle: Silent Night, Deadly Night!