IT 1990 (Part 2)

Published: Sept. 16, 2019, 8:08 a.m.

"Just in time for the return of Pennywise to the big screen, we took another look back at Part 2 of the original TV movie of Stephen King’s IT! I think we learned, once again, that while there are some memorable moments, this film really only holds nostalgia value. But hey! It definitely sticks to its guns in following the book ‘cause check out that huge stop-motion spider at the end! Try not to laugh at the actors caught in the deadlights though, or you just might enjoy the very underwhelming climax of the film. This week, join Bill, Bev, Richie, Stan (RIP), Eddie, Mike, and Ben as they join forces following a heavy meal of Kung Pao shrimp, crab wontons, and General Tso’s chicken, gaining essential fried-food energy to battle the Eater of Worlds! But watch out for those fortune cookies! They bite back!"