Episode 205: Creativity Challenges, Focus on the Family, and Two Short Horror Stories

Published: March 17, 2023, 1:35 p.m.

b'Mark\'s back on the brain health rollercoaster, navigating the ups and downs while trying to keep moving forward.\\nCreativity took a seat in the back thanks to poor sleep, a bad mood, along with friend and family needs.\\nBut even with less focus on fiction, I did manage to sneak in development of TNTD: At the Big Top and TNTD: In Iraq, two titles I hope to slowly develop over the next year.\\nA reminder that this week TNTD: In the Pandemic is only $0.99 https://geni.us/PandemicMT\\nIncludes two short stories off of the Untold Mayhem\\xa0audiobook.\\n(20 :55) "Exposed" narrated by Angelo Di Loreto.\\n(35:15) "The Fine Print" narrated by Vivienne Leheny.'