Episode 200: TBIs and Tackle Football, Plus the Short Horror Story In the Cards

Published: Feb. 10, 2023, 3:13 p.m.

b'I get a little judgy in this one when I discuss parents letting children play dangerous contact sports that we now know can cause incredible harm. My focus is always football and fighting as those are the sports that I participated in, but the message applies to any event where the child takes repetitive blows to the head.\\nMost people will become reactive and defensive when hearing this message, but my hope is that they will have the guts to read some articles on the risks they are exposing their children to. Don\'t rely on organizations who will lie and deny safety claims because those same groups would go bankrupt if they admitted the harm they cause.\\nI also go into my return to therapy, looking forward to seeing the results of my latest brain mapping, and the awesome conversation I had with a literary agent yesterday. All kinds of exciting stuff on the horizon.\\xa0\\nA reminder that TBI or CTE is only $0.99 in US/UK https://geni.us/TBIKindle\\n(17:15) Includes the short horror story "In the Cards" taken from Untold Mayhem audiobook and narrated by Stacey Gonzalez.'