Episode 192: High School Horror Club, Quality Books, and the Short Horror Story Out There

Published: Dec. 16, 2022, 2:56 p.m.

b'Just finished up Try Not to Die: Back at Grandma\'s House and will have that up on Kindle Vella before the end of the year.\\nI was honored to be a guest speaker at La Serna High School\'s Horror Club. I think it\'s awesome the club exists and wish I had something like that when I was in school. I had a blast talking about what makes a "quality" horror book. Also had fun killing them off with a series of TNTD questions.\\nA reminder that Untold Mayhem is currently free on Kindle. Grab yours here: https://geni.us/Untold\\n(16:30) Includes the short horror story "Out There" off of Twisted Reunion narrated by Tee Quillin.'