Episode 181: TikTok Time, Answering Reader Questions and the short story Safety First

Published: Sept. 30, 2022, 1:19 p.m.

b'Recap on the Rammstein concert. Plenty of cool fire and awesome music but I need to be closer to the stage in order to appreciate it.\\nThe lineup of authors for the anthology Dethfest Confessions has nearly been filled and I couldn\'t be happier.\\nI\'m continuing with 3-4 meetings a week with coauthors for the TNTD series and I\'m excited to have just received the Wild West back from Palisano. This book is nearly done and will be book 5.\\nI\'m challenging myself to post 3-4 times on TikTok every day for the next 30 days. I\'m actually enjoying it and can\'t wait to see what kind of difference in makes on my readership.\\nPart of this will be answering reader questions on here. Here are todays\' questions:\\nDon Young asked:\\n1. If you are trying to escape a homicidal madman which member of your family would you sacrifice to save the rest?\\n2. What do you have with in 5 feet of yourself at this moment you could use to fight off a home intruder?\\n3. Most traumatic way to die? a) chipper shredder while alive b) drowning c) burning alive.\\nEmily Haynes asked:\\xa0\\n4. Did you write a book with your daughter?\\n(16:20) The short story "Safety First" narrated by Tee Quillin and taken from the Somber Stroll audiobook.'