Episode 175: Back to School, Birthdays, and a Break from Cannabis

Published: Aug. 18, 2022, 9:03 p.m.

b"One again, my kids returning to school brings on a new bout of mild depression. Although that might have something to do with me being sober the last four days and taking a break from cannabis.\\nI'm sure turning 50 has also been dragging me down a bit, even though I'm probably the healthiest and most mentally stable as I've ever been.\\nBeen keeping up with my yoga practice, a solid 10 days in a row, and I'm nearly done with TNTD: In the Wild West. \\nThis week, I switched many of my books from being exclusive to Amazon. You can now find Brightside, Unlocking, and several of my other books on your favorite platform, including most libraries.\\nI'm also excited that The Thing in the Labyrinth book club will be reading Brightside in September. I hope you'll be able to join us: https://mailchi.mp/70ef9dd5830f/horror-book-club-aug-28-bergdorf-associates"