Episode 162: Sexuality and Sinfulness

Published: May 20, 2022, 2:01 p.m.

b"It's been a trying week with my wife and daughter dealing with Covid while my son and I try to remain negative.\\nI just finished Chapter 1 of Our Fucked-Up Little Family and it made me a bit uncomfortable due to the sexual content. I go over the rigid testing process I put my sex scenes through.\\nHelp me name the naughty nun in OFULF. Who do you vote for: Sister Kathleen Eilneee, or Angelica?\\nI've made Somber Stroll free to newsletter subscribers. Somber Stroll Download\\nThinking of the short collection made me realize what was important in my life during the writing of those.\\nReading: Halfway through Duncan Ralston's Ghostland Book 1. Enjoying it so far and looking forward to discussing further with my daughter.\\n\\xa0(11:00) I narrate two scenes from Try Not to Die: At Grandma's House."