Episode 160: CTE and Why You Shouldnt Believe You Have the Disease

Published: May 6, 2022, noon

b"(1:00) I review Brian Asman's brilliant Man, Fuck this House and discuss Duncan Ralston's Gross out which I'm halfway through and loving.\\n(4:00) I talk about whay I'm participating and donating money to the Concussion legacy Foundation's Race to End CTE. Here is a link for anyone who wants to donate. https://raceroster.com/events/2022/50537/2022-cleveland-marathon/pledge/team/74\\nI also discuss why I think it's a bad idea to believe you have CTE. Believing you have a neurodegenerative disease is a sure way to add toward depression. Focus on fixing the problem and finding ways to cope with symptoms.\\n(12:15) I discuss my desire to self-sabotage and abandon all social media.\\n(15:35) I've made progress on Our Fucked-Up Little Family and know a lot more about one of the main characters. (17:45) I narrate two scenes from Try Not to Die: At Grandma's House."