Episode 8: Dishonesty, Character, and Dan Ariely

Published: Nov. 12, 2012, midnight


In a Very Special Episode of Very Bad Wizards, Dan Ariely joins David to chat about cheating, character, teling your significant other about kissing someone at a conference, and the importance of moral rules. \\xa0Tamler and David sandwich the chat with a discussion about the US Presidential election, the irony of moral psychologists making people do bad things, and end with a full-blown argument about what it means to say that something is morally wrong, and whether that\'s an interesting question.\\xa0


Buffy/Angel Crossover Viewing Guide

Sir Ian McKellen on Ricky Gervais\' "Extras"

Eric Dondero\'s\\xa0Democrat Boycott.

Eric Dondero on who he would save: A family member who\'s a democrat or a republican child molester. \\xa0

Dan Ariely\'s podcast--"Arming the Donkeys"

"The Honest Truth about Dishonesty" on Amazon.com

Tamler\'s favorite kind of epistemology

The debate about moral wrongness that Tamler thinks is stupid and David finds intriguing.\\xa0

Special Guest: Dan Ariely.

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