Episode 5: Revenge, Pt. 2: The Revenge

Published: Oct. 8, 2012, 4 p.m.


Dave and Tamler continue their discussion about their favorite topic.\\xa0 They talk about the evolutionary origins of retributive behavior, cross-cultural differences in revenge norms, and the proportionate punishment for someone who gives your wife a foot massage. They also play a clipfrom an interview they conducted in Nosara with local attorney Andres Gonzalez about the Costa Rican treatment of the criminals they call \\u2018pobrecitos.\\u2019


\\u201cWould you give a man a foot massage?\\u201d \\xa0

Robert Frank\\u2019s Passions Within Reason, one of the best books of the last 100 years.

Tamler\\u2019s article \\u201cThe Two Faces of Revenge\\u201d

Dave\\u2019s post for the Harmony Blog: \\u201cHow I Learned to Stop Worrying and Become a Philosopher-in-Residence.\\u201d

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