Episode 249: Phlegm and Carelessness (Hume's "The Sceptic")

Published: Nov. 22, 2022, 10:45 p.m.


David and Tamler gild and stain David Hume\\xe2\\u20ac\\u2122s essay \\xe2\\u20ac\\u0153The Sceptic\\xe2\\u20ac with their sentiments. If nothing is inherently valuable or despicable, desirable or hateful, then what do philosophers have to offer when it comes to happiness? If reason is powerless, does it all come down to our emotions and \\xe2\\u20ac\\u0153humours\\xe2\\u20ac? Or does the study of philosophy and liberal arts naturally lead to a fulfilling and virtuous life? Plus we look at a new non-traditional social psych paper on how we always imagine that things could be better, and tip our caps to the queen of handling Twitter pile-ons (and former VBW guest) \\xe2\\u20ac\\u201c Candy Mom.

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