Episode 1: Brains, Robots, and Free Will (Free Will and Morality Pt. 1)

Published: Aug. 30, 2012, 5 a.m.


Dave and Tamler start out talking about the new wave of skepticism about free will and moral responsibility in the popular press from people like Sam Harris and Jerry Coyne. \\xa0

Neuroscience figures heavily in their arguments, but\\xa0Dave and Tamler agree that neuroscientific data adds little of substance to the case other than telling us what we already know: human beings are natural biological entities. \\xa0Dave also accuses Tamler of being a hipster philosopher for abandoning a view once it got popular.\\xa0

Next, we talk about what kind freedom we need to have in order to deserve blame and punishment. Do we need to create ourselves out of the swamps of nothingness? Dave comes out as a Star Trek nerd and asks whether we\'re all, in the end, like Data the android. \\xa0They also wonder whether a belief in free will is all that\'s keeping us from having sex with our dogs. \\xa0

Finally, \\xa0Dave grills Tamler about his new book\\xa0on the differences in attitudes about free will and moral responsibility across cultures. After seeing how long they\'ve been carrying on, they then agree to talk about all the stuff they left out in the next episode. \\xa0 \\xa0


Coyne, J.\\xa0 \\u201cWhy You Don\\u2019t Really Have Free Will.\\u201d

Sam Harris. \\u201cFree Will.\\u201d

Eddy Nahmias. \\xa0"Is Neuroscience the Death of Free Will?"

Galen Strawson "Luck Swallows Everything."

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