How can leveraging technology help streamline your workflow - Leslie Coelho

Published: Nov. 17, 2017, 12:45 p.m.


In this episode Andy Davis talks to Leslie Coelho, who has recently become a technical architect at Netcel. Leslie is a reductionist at heart and enjoys turning complex problems into simple solutions. He also enjoys working with clients to deliver out standing products and achieve results.


Leslie has come on the show to chat to Andy about technology and its impact on business. They also discuss the reasons to use emails or a phone call, how to not over-complicate things and education the new generation.


Show Notes:


1.11 How did you first get into technology and what was it about computer specifically for you that got you really interested in them.


4.21 How did your career progress and where did your career start?


6.40 What big changes have you seen in technology since you started your career and what has stayed the same?


9.27 Have we become obsessed with speed in computing?


10.26 We expect so much more for our computers but we understand a lot less about how they actually work.


12.49 Is there a problem with the way tech professionals work now?


16.14 Different forms of communication in the office.


18.36 Thinking about what is the right tool for communication in the office.


19.23 Is A.I the most compelling space in tech at the moment and does it have the most chance of success out of all the other technological innovations at the moment.


24.15 The fear that A.I will automate us out of jobs.


26.21 The necessity for the education system to teach everyone some coding.


28.58 Is education going to be the next industry to be disrupted by technology?


30.36 Technology being present for innovation before the ability to mass distribute it.


32.52 What is it on a day to day basis that continually motivates you?
