Kitty chats with Kirsty , founder of the Better Days Café

Published: March 4, 2022, 11:30 a.m.

Kitty chats with Kirsty Boylan , founder of the Better Days Café at 64 High Street, Ventnor which recently opened in February 2022.
People with mental health issues and learning disabilities are the invisible. Often feeling socially excluded and lonely. A large amount of these people will never have worked, worn uniform or felt part of a team. 
The Better Days Cafe aims to train and offer work to these people promoting inclusion and alleviating loneliness. 
This will be a safe, inclusive and warm space offering mental health support, workshops and advice. 
The café is open and running. It's doing exactly what it should. 
Reaching out to people, tackling loneliness and exclusion  - and shortly to be hosting all sorts of groups for the island community.
If you would like to donate to this worthwhile cause , click on the link below