Secret Show #295 - Crown of Bullets

Published: April 15, 2022, 6 a.m.

Originally published on the 16th of October 2021 but since it's now officially past the threshold for retention we now present it to you…in all of its dated glory. If you want to hear this content fresh, please consider supporting the show via Patreon. The original text follows below: On this week's secret show, X found an article from The Friendly Atheist where he talks about how Sean Moon and the rod of iron church have bought their own property in Tennessee to start their own compound full of religious fundamentalism. These guys are wacky and scary at the same time. It's really odd to have a church that espouses the AR-15 as being an instrument of God's wrath...even weirder to have a bullet crown. Email: Mailbag@UtahOutcasts.comVoicemail/SMS line: (347) 669-3377Instagram: Click HereDiscord: Click HereTwitter: Click HereYouTube: Click Here CLOSING SONG – Teknoaxe “Race Between the Spires” used with permission BUY SOME MERCH!!! Subscribe via iTunesSupport us via PatreonSupport us via PayPal