Secret Show #266 - Biden's Socialist Reich

Published: Aug. 7, 2021, 5:37 a.m.

Originally published on the 20th of February 2021 but since it's now officially past the threshold for retention we now present it to you…in all of its dated glory. If you want to hear this content fresh, please consider supporting the show via Patreon. The original text follows below: On this week's secret show, X found a religious nutter who thinks that the Democratic party under Joe Biden are headed toward a new reich in America as we allow all immigrants to come in, allow people to be trans, want to take their guns, and dare to call people out for being racist. Yes, it's a LOT and a longer Secret Show but trust me. It's well worth it. Email: Mailbag@UtahOutcasts.comVoicemail/SMS line: (347) 669-3377Instagram: Click HereFacebook: Click HereTwitter: Click HereYouTube: Click Here BUY SOME MERCH!!! Subscribe via iTunesSupport us via PatreonSupport us via PayPal Join the Discussion?