#30 – The Male Feminists

Published: Jan. 11, 2016, 5:42 p.m.

Alright folks, time for episode two for the year of 2016, if you couldn’t guess by now the title should say it all really. This week, we had a guest on the show to talk with us about how fracking is done in the news, then it was only Kyle and X as we went over the fun with real audio and the main topic of discussion. If you didn’t know, both Kyle and I are feminists, we don’t all have the same mindset when it comes to every single facet of the belief, but the main gist is this: we believe in equality between all genders…that’s pretty much all there is to it, but you know we can’t just let it be that quick. We also have our typical highs and lows for the week, we know you’ll enjoy. We had a great show, and hope you really enjoy. Come give us a listen! Email: Mailbag@UtahOutcasts.comVoicemail/SMS line: 347-669-3377Facebook: Click HereTwitter: Click HereYouTube: Click Here OPENING SONG – David Bowie – “China Girl”CLOSING SONG – David Bowie – “Life on Mars” Subscribe via iTunesSubscribe via StitcherSupport us via PatreonSupport us via PayPalBuy some Merch!