#25 – The Atheist Apocalypse

Published: Dec. 7, 2015, 7:52 p.m.

If there’s one thing that podcasters hate, it’s losing any segment of their audio. This week, we had about 20 minutes of the show end up missing. This kind of thing usually happens to newbies, but even guys like me who set up secondary and tertiary backup ways of recording have the rare times where stuff just ends up in the ether somewhere. We were lucky enough to host 3 of the members of the Atheist Apocalypse podcast join us on panel this episode and thankfully nothing of theirs went missing, instead just Felicia’s, X’s and some of Kyle’s stories for the week just went away. We had Deborah, Paul, and Brian join Kyle, Felicia, and me as we talked news especially the newest shooting in Santa Barbara, followed by the our real audio segment including Glenn Beck calling Obama a dumb son-of-a-bitch. It’s good times. We had a great show, and hope you really enjoy. Come give us a listen! Email: Mailbag@UtahOutcasts.comVoicemail/SMS line: 347-669-3377Facebook: Click HereTwitter: Click HereYouTube: Click Here CLOSING SONG – Iced Earth – “Ten Thousand Strong” Subscribe via iTunesSubscribe via StitcherSupport us via PatreonBuy some Merch!