"HARD News: Virtual Reality WIll Be Used To Torture People" W/Terri Lynn

Published: Dec. 27, 2016, 4:30 p.m.

WARNING: Virtual Realty is very dangerous! â??Imagine youâ??re in a small room. The walls are covered in geometric patterns that literally hurt to look at. In the corner are a polygonal bed and bench canted at angles that make them impossible to sit on. The floor is cluttered with a gridwork of bricks rendering it impossible to walk any direction but forward. It sounds like a computer model of the exact opposite of Fung Shui, but itâ??s quite real. Built by anarchists fighting in the Spanish Civil War, the so-called psychotechnic torture cell used turn-of-the-century perceptual concepts in abstract art to maximize sensory disruption, subverting prisonersâ?? senses to drive them mad. Itâ??s a bizarre example of the kind of mind-and mental manipulationy thatâ??s possible when someone has the means of shaping your realityâ??something modern technology now allows us to do like never before.Virtual reality and the dangers of 360-degree torture and abuse. Virtual Reality alters the mind: http://phys.org/news/2016-08-virtual-reality-minds.html*** https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/2347705/microsoft-says-virtual-reality-will-soon-have-same-mind-bending-effects-as-lsd/*** http://www.slate.com/articles/arts/gaming/2016/05/virtual_reality_can_be_more_amazing_and_more_terrifying_than_a_traditional.html*** http://motherboard.vice.com/read/how-virtual-reality-could-be-used-for-torture***